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Fun at Barleylands! Year 1 trip! pic.twitter.com/BteojGZE5g

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Pro Strike football event at MCPA! What a fun morning we had trying to score speedy goals! pic.twitter.com/OeEJxwnyEB

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Year 2 celebrated the Holi Festival. What fun we had!😀 pic.twitter.com/sbpYiPVpvY

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Team winners at Sports Day 2024 🏆 pic.twitter.com/HiScTNL5Fc

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Sports Day Sprint winners 2024!🏅🏆🎖️ pic.twitter.com/jgO4z1NwyR

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🐞 Year 4 visited the Hive to support their work in science, where they were considering the water cycle and ways in which we can conserve our water usage.🚰 pic.twitter.com/kfbTfEH2ms

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Outdoor learning at The Hive today. pic.twitter.com/wQH9rFDjba

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Year 4 trip to The Hive today! pic.twitter.com/VlphQELMEG

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All good things must come to an end. We have had the best time at PGL this week. Thank you to the Team of staff who accompanied the pupils. Have a good sleep and we will see you all tomorrow! Year 6 2024 pic.twitter.com/pqlcVIMF6j

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Fencing fun! En garde! pic.twitter.com/379o7omzs9


Year 6 are expected back at 3:30pm this afternoon. We will keep you updated as there are traffic issues on the M25. Please keep checking Class Dojo and social media for updates. Thank you.

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Conquering our fears and challenging ourselves every step of the way. pic.twitter.com/QfvkmRHoxV

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Enjoying our last few activities at PGL! pic.twitter.com/IlyUjxsyVH

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The sweet taste of success! Our time is starting to draw to a close at PGL. We don't want it to end! pic.twitter.com/ZoaJSzute1

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Leap of faith! pic.twitter.com/Pz5Pi6gQaa

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Bullseye! pic.twitter.com/JroE5ZKSJy

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What will we conquer today? Year 6 PGL residential 2024. pic.twitter.com/cBUpuaEMAZ

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Good morning from PGL! Ready for another adventure filled day! pic.twitter.com/LabojdEXJU

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Home School Agreement

A home-school agreement is a statement explaining the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils, the responsibility of each pupil’s parents and what the school expects of its pupils.  


We ask that parents, pupils and the headteacher sign the agreement before a child is admitted to Magna Carta.


In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Home School Agreement has been adapted. Any temporary adaptations are shown in bold italics.   






School community  

I will be respectful of the school community and take pride in the school. I will uphold the values of the school at all times.  

I will support the community, attend all Learning Review meetings and support the school’s performances and events. I will contribute my own time to helping the school community.  

We will provide a high quality education, with great teaching and wonderful learning experiences.  

A safe school environment  

I will look after the environment and not drop litter or damage property. I will not bring to school anything that might do harm or damage to others. 

I will make sure my child never goes to school with anything that could harm others. 

I will not bring my child to school if they have symptoms of Covid-19. I will ensure that if anyone in my household has symptoms of Covid-19, I will arrange for them to be tested and I will inform the school of the results.

We will build a safe and secure school community, based on kindness and generosity where bullying of any kind is not tolerated.  


I will be true to my word. If I say I will do something, I will stick to it. I will always try to do the right thing, regardless of what my friends say.  

I will help my child do the right thing and achieve the goals he/she wants.  

We will support you in being true to your word and help you do the right thing.  


I will look out for other people and always help them, whatever their age. I will respect my teachers, parents, peers and community.  

I will make sure my child gives as well as takes, and looks out for other children throughout the school.  

We will treat you with respect at all times, be clear in our expectations and consistent in applying them.  


I will always be polite, punctual, prepared and presentable; arrive on time every day, look smart and wear my uniform correctly with pride.  

I will make sure my child arrives at school on time every day with the correct uniform and the right equipment and is not taken out of school except in an emergency. 

 I will ensure my child has a water bottle in school. 

We will mark your work quickly and give you feedback that helps you make progress. We will act professionally at all times in dealing with you and your family.  


I will always work as hard as I possibly can, even when things are tough. I will remain positive.

I will speak to my teacher if I am finding it tough. 

I will inform the school of anything that is getting in the way of my child’s learning or succeeding.  

We will always support you through difficult times, by working with you and your family to overcome problems.  


I will try to read without being asked, write fluently and speak confidently.  

I will encourage my child to read every day and take time to have proper discussions to improve his/her speaking skills.  

The school will provide skilled teaching to ensure your child enjoys reading, speaks fluently and speaks confidently.  Teachers can be affected by Covid-19 like everyone else. There may be times when classes cannot go ahead due to a lack of teachers. 


I will develop my imagination to come up with new ideas.  

I will allow my child to attend off-site visits, try new experiences and follow their passion.  

We will provide a rich, relevant and exciting curriculum with excellent teaching to enable your child to achieve. 

Home learning  

I will complete home learning tasks with enthusiasm. I will ask my teachers and family for support when I need it.  

I will give my child the opportunity, time and place to complete home learning tasks on time. 

I will check Messages and the Class Story on Class Dojo regularly. 

We will provide your child with well-prepared home learning opportunities. These are mainly via Class Dojo. 

School Rules  

I will follow the 3 School Rules: be safe, be kind, and work hard.   

I will read the weekly newsletter and ensure I am aware of school communication. 

We will teach and mould the School Rules and give you opportunities to apply them.  

School website by Cleverbox