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Fun at Barleylands! Year 1 trip! pic.twitter.com/BteojGZE5g

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Pro Strike football event at MCPA! What a fun morning we had trying to score speedy goals! pic.twitter.com/OeEJxwnyEB

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Year 2 celebrated the Holi Festival. What fun we had!😀 pic.twitter.com/sbpYiPVpvY

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Team winners at Sports Day 2024 🏆 pic.twitter.com/HiScTNL5Fc

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Sports Day Sprint winners 2024!🏅🏆🎖️ pic.twitter.com/jgO4z1NwyR

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🐞 Year 4 visited the Hive to support their work in science, where they were considering the water cycle and ways in which we can conserve our water usage.🚰 pic.twitter.com/kfbTfEH2ms

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Outdoor learning at The Hive today. pic.twitter.com/wQH9rFDjba

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Year 4 trip to The Hive today! pic.twitter.com/VlphQELMEG

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All good things must come to an end. We have had the best time at PGL this week. Thank you to the Team of staff who accompanied the pupils. Have a good sleep and we will see you all tomorrow! Year 6 2024 pic.twitter.com/pqlcVIMF6j

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Fencing fun! En garde! pic.twitter.com/379o7omzs9


Year 6 are expected back at 3:30pm this afternoon. We will keep you updated as there are traffic issues on the M25. Please keep checking Class Dojo and social media for updates. Thank you.

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Conquering our fears and challenging ourselves every step of the way. pic.twitter.com/QfvkmRHoxV

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Enjoying our last few activities at PGL! pic.twitter.com/IlyUjxsyVH

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The sweet taste of success! Our time is starting to draw to a close at PGL. We don't want it to end! pic.twitter.com/ZoaJSzute1

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Leap of faith! pic.twitter.com/Pz5Pi6gQaa

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Bullseye! pic.twitter.com/JroE5ZKSJy

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What will we conquer today? Year 6 PGL residential 2024. pic.twitter.com/cBUpuaEMAZ

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Good morning from PGL! Ready for another adventure filled day! pic.twitter.com/LabojdEXJU

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Outstanding Education

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Cultural Capital

Our understanding of ‘knowledge and cultural capital’ is derived from the following wording in the national curriculum:

‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.'

Pupils are explicitly taught core sayings and phrases which they will come across in everyday life as well as in the texts that they read. We have taken advice from a variety of sources, including the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) to ensure our core reading list is the very best in children's literature. Our core poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts are shared with pupils in lessons as well as during story time. This part of the day is protected time. We believe every child has a right to be read to. 

There are works of art, songs and pieces of music which we believe every adult should at the very least be familiar with. Therefore, we have devised a core list. One person's list of core knowledge is different to another person's, however, we are confident that our list ensures we are equipping our pupils with enough so that when they are adults, they  are able to walk into any room, anywhere in the world and have a conversation with anyone about anything. 

School website by Cleverbox