Miss Alicia Lennox
As a child, both my parents were secondary school teachers. I grew up with my parents coming home with books, marking them and preparing lessons, and on some occasions I even went to work with them and experienced seeing them teaching a class which is where my interest in education began. After a mixed career in both retail and customer service I was looking for a job that I could really get into and find a passion for. I was very privileged to join Magna Carta Primary Academy back in 2018 when there was only 2 classes, Swallows and Robins. Driving home on my first day, I knew I had found the career for me. It’s incredibly rewarding working with children, when you see something ‘click’ or a child comes up to you to show you their work because of how proud they are of it, it’s wonderful. Since working at Magna Carta I have qualified as a Learning Mentor, which has allowed me to offer more support to the children. Watching the school grow into what it is today has been amazing and I often think of the small building we began in and am in awe of how far we’ve come.