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Children Explore How To Boost Self-Belief
Posted: 7th February 2023Children explored how to boost their self-belief by showing kindness and feeling gratitude.
Pupils at Magna Carta Primary Academy, in Stansted, were given new tools to inspire confidence during a visit from a motivational speaker.
James Shone had been a teacher for 16 years when, in 2012 he was preparing to take on his first headship.
During a routine eye check as part of his medical assessment, it was discovered he had a large brain tumour.
After 27 hours of brain surgery and 80 days in hospital unable to eat, drink or talk, the father-of-four was left with no sight in one eue and only ten per cent vision in the other.
The founder of charity I Can & I Am, with a mission to inspire confidence, hosted a whole school assembly where he shared his story.
Year 6 pupils also attended a workshop with the visitor, exploring ways to inflate their balloons of self-belief by showing kindness, feeling gratitude and setting themselves small steps forwards rather than large leaps.
They also thought about what makes them unique and the importance of having a sense of belonging.
Art teacher Ann Clausen said: "James' visit included joining in with a group of children from Year 1 to 6 for an art workshop, in which we all worked together to create a beautiful set of mosaic letters for I Can I and I Am.
"His visit and message had a memorable impact on staff and children alike and will help with our on-going commitment to the building self-belief and resilience in our children and the overall mental health wellbeing of our children and staff."
Head of school Jen Pearce said: "James shared his acronym of UFO with us, meaning we should look Upwards, Forwards and Out. This is a mantra we will continue to build on in school with the children, as well as remember ourselves as adults and role models."