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Herts & Essex Observer: First Day at Stansted School
Posted: 20th September 2016Please click on the link below and read the article written about our first day here at Magna Carta
Pro Strike football event at MCPA! What a fun morning we had trying to score speedy goals!
🐞 Year 4 visited the Hive to support their work in science, where they were considering the water cycle and ways in which we can conserve our water usage.🚰
All good things must come to an end. We have had the best time at PGL this week. Thank you to the Team of staff who accompanied the pupils. Have a good sleep and we will see you all tomorrow! Year 6 2024
Year 6 are expected back at 3:30pm this afternoon. We will keep you updated as there are traffic issues on the M25. Please keep checking Class Dojo and social media for updates. Thank you.
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