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Fun at Barleylands! Year 1 trip! pic.twitter.com/BteojGZE5g

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Pro Strike football event at MCPA! What a fun morning we had trying to score speedy goals! pic.twitter.com/OeEJxwnyEB

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Year 2 celebrated the Holi Festival. What fun we had!😀 pic.twitter.com/sbpYiPVpvY

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Team winners at Sports Day 2024 🏆 pic.twitter.com/HiScTNL5Fc

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Sports Day Sprint winners 2024!🏅🏆🎖️ pic.twitter.com/jgO4z1NwyR

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🐞 Year 4 visited the Hive to support their work in science, where they were considering the water cycle and ways in which we can conserve our water usage.🚰 pic.twitter.com/kfbTfEH2ms

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Outdoor learning at The Hive today. pic.twitter.com/wQH9rFDjba

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Year 4 trip to The Hive today! pic.twitter.com/VlphQELMEG

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All good things must come to an end. We have had the best time at PGL this week. Thank you to the Team of staff who accompanied the pupils. Have a good sleep and we will see you all tomorrow! Year 6 2024 pic.twitter.com/pqlcVIMF6j

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Fencing fun! En garde! pic.twitter.com/379o7omzs9


Year 6 are expected back at 3:30pm this afternoon. We will keep you updated as there are traffic issues on the M25. Please keep checking Class Dojo and social media for updates. Thank you.

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Conquering our fears and challenging ourselves every step of the way. pic.twitter.com/QfvkmRHoxV

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Enjoying our last few activities at PGL! pic.twitter.com/IlyUjxsyVH

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The sweet taste of success! Our time is starting to draw to a close at PGL. We don't want it to end! pic.twitter.com/ZoaJSzute1

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Leap of faith! pic.twitter.com/Pz5Pi6gQaa

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Bullseye! pic.twitter.com/JroE5ZKSJy

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What will we conquer today? Year 6 PGL residential 2024. pic.twitter.com/cBUpuaEMAZ

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Good morning from PGL! Ready for another adventure filled day! pic.twitter.com/LabojdEXJU

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Team GB athlete visits Magna Carta

Team GB athlete visits Magna Carta

Posted: 14th March 2019

Young children were put through their paces by a former Team GB athlete.

Long jumper Ezekiel Ewulo visited Magna Carta Primary Academy and led an intensive training session for each class.

He also spoke to pupils about how much work he has to put into his sport, how important it is to drink plenty of water and eat healthily and how many hours he puts into his training each day.

Pupils were sponsored to complete a training circuit together, raising £1,477 to be split between the school coffers and the athlete’s training.

Headteacher Marios Solomonides said: “We brought Sports for Champions into our school because they are an organisation which supports athletes and help to educate children about the possibilities open to them.

“Who knows, even if one pupil was inspired by Ezekiel’s visit, we could have sewn the seeds for a future Team GB athlete!”

Teacher Jackie Young said: “The children really enjoyed it and you could tell they found it inspirational, especially when he was saying he still needs to improve to get into next year’s Olympics.

“We had many children practising their long jump on the way back to class.”

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